Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The irresistible choice: Being an Amateur!

It's one of everybody's choices..Being an amateur..Is it because they like it?
Of course not , but it's safer,easier,touchable,available,logic and smarter.
It bears no risk.It's free of the professionalism stress.It's far away from the fear of loosing the prestige. Being an amateur and accepting to be one of them , offers you a transparent shelter.A shelter where you can hide all of your handicaps , complexes , self mistrust.It's very cozy and practic and you can carry it everywhere.
It's trendy too..Nowadays everybody has become an amateur at some thing.
I do believe there are two different kinds of amateurs:

1.The ones that are conscient of that and don't use it as a tip of security.
2.The ones that disguise their selves under the safe frame of being an amateur...

Launching one self as an amateur at something , is a pure disguising strategy .We can call it : The art of transparent masking and editing of our deficiencies.
Ok , ok this may sound too harsh , but if we ponder on it for a while we could get the point of the above statement.
I'm an amateur too.I'm an amateur at arts , that is : photography, cinema,dance,creative writing. But I have to admit sometimes I feel bad of using this etiquette for myself ..It's not that I want to be called a professional , I hate it because I think of what I said above .Because I think that I'm choosing the easiest way for not accepting I'm a beginner.
One should accept this if he/she wants to progress I think!
It can be dissapoiting at times , but would be the best muse for you to improve yourself and advance! It's hard but it pays!!!


Anonymous said...

me shume se dakort en! me shume se dakort! keto idete qe ke shkruar kane ca kohe qe me vijne ne mendje,sidomos qekur fillova blogun.por s'dija si t'i shprehja pa qene as shume tangerllikse as shume kritikuese. po ja qe e more ti fjalen, dhe bukur fare pale! :)

eni said...

oh sa mire me vjen qe jam njohur me njerez qe mi kapin mendimet ne ajer:) me vjen dhe mire qe paskam mundur te shpreh ide qe dhe ti apo dikush tjeter i ka gatuar ne koke:) flm lal..

ak said...

amateur do te thote dikush qe dashuron dicka. Keshtu eshte prejardhja. Ti ben gjithe ato gjera qe permend (kinema, foto, etj.) sepse te pelqen t'i besh. Kjo mjafton besoj. Te pelqen dhe e ben. C'rendesi ka a duhet te quhesh/quajne pro apo amateur.

eni said...

strangeman: ka rendesi kur vazhdon ta mbrosh veten se je amatore ndaj nuk e ben dot diƧka ne lartesine e nje tjetri psh..
e marr vesh piken tende Starngeman , por une e kisha fjalen ne rastet e keqperdorimit te amatorllekut..
flm per komentin sdq me pelqeu:)

eni said...

strangeman: harrova te them.nuk ka rendesi per mua si me quajne dhe si me vleresojne.rendesi ka si e quaj veten dhe si reagoj:)

Amour Monde said...

if you let me a coise :change the background of ur blog it's unreadeble
thankse in advance :)

Anonymous said...

ej En e di cfare eshte nje gje qe mendoj shpesh ne lidhje me kete temen e te qenit amatore, rolin e teknologjise. eshte ajo qe i jep ze kur i thone te gjithe llojeve te pasioneve, apo hobby a ku di une te njerezve sot. e ben me te lehte amatorizmin. e kjo them qe eshte edhe mire edhe keq. mire se lehteson te shprehurin, keq nqs behet pre e vetshpalljes profesionist. kjo vetshpallja behet problematike vec kur te marrin seriozisht natyrisht!:)

ak said...

kuptoj. ne kte rast, kush perdor kete strategji eshte vetedemtues, per te njejten arsye. Ai/ajo e veteperkufizon, duke e kufizuar per rezultat, veten e tij/saj.Ka frike nga vetja dhe nga gjykimi i te tjereve. Keta tipa mund t'i quash me mire diletante sesa amatore.e zakonisht te tille mbeten.

eni said...

amour: ndaj perpiqem te ve shkrime me ngjyra te hapura qe te lexohen me mire.po ashtutek view siper tek opsionet e faqes mund te rrisesh madhesine e germave.por pls mos me kerko te nderroj ngjyren se me pelqen keshtu.

lisi: e drejte qe teknologjia ndihmon amatorizmin.te mbeshtes , pike e drejte!

strangeman:pikes i ke rene:)

bletebzz said...

eni, be fair to yourself and don't shortchange, simply because it is a society rule to do so. i use the word "fledgling" myself.

eni said...

Dear Blete, in fact I was speaking generally not just for myself.What I wanted to say was , how we use this amateur silhouette as a helmet to disguise our deficiencies...liked that "fledglin" word anyway:)

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