Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Udhetim ne Budva


Gjate kohes se qendrimit tim ne Shqiperi , bera ç'bera dhe i ngjesha dhe nja 2 dite udhetimi ne Budva/Mal te zi se bashku me familjen time.Kisha kohe qe doja te shkoja sepse kisha degjuar shume per Budven , por asnjehere nuk qeme bere mbare per te ikur kur isha ne Shqiperi.Kete here , sikunder ndenja me shume , thashe qe do ishte gjynah ta humbisja serish rastin ndaj , nje hop , e planifikuam dhe u nisem.

Rruga kaloi shume bukur.Koha qe sikur ta kisha porositur, pa diell, pa shi, me qiell te vranet.Nuk e dua diellin dhe per me teper fotot me te mira i kap ne nje kohe te tille:)

Si fillim u ulem ne Shkoder , dhe hengrem pak kos deleje, i mirenjohur ne ate zone.Ishte kenaqesi ta haje kete ushqim kaq freskues dhe te shijshem perballe kalase se Rozafes.
U nisem serish.
Me beri pershtypje se rruges pashe shume peme shegesh si dhe shegesh te egra.Nuk e dija se rriteshin ka shume!
Me ne fund hyme ne kufirin malazez.Qe ne hyrje vihet re ndryshimi i rruges dhe pastertia e rregulli ne pergjithesi.
Arrijme ne Budva.Budva eshte nje qytet i vogel.
Thuhet se eshte nje nga vendbanimet me te vjetra ne Adriatik.E themeluar nga Beotije Kadmo , djali i mbretit Agenor dhe mbretereshes Telofosa , rreth perpara 2600 vjetesh.
Ne pjesen e re te qytetit spikat stili minimal urbanistik.Pa shume ngarkesa,pa shume ngjyra te egzagjeruara.Pasterti dhe rregull gjithandej.
Nuk ka shume ndryshime nga shume qytet te tjera ballkanase Budva.Atmosfera, njerezit,muzika,dyqanet,mallrat qe shiten,restorantet,natyra çdo gje ta kujton shume vende te tjera te Ballkanit.Deri ketu nuk ka shume gjera te reja.
Por ka diçka shume te veçante.Pjesen e vjeter te qytetit qe eshte nje mrekulli me vete.Kjo pjese quhet Starigrad dhe eshte nje pike shume e rendesishme historike.
Tipike jane ne te shtepite e gurta dhe rrugicat e ngushta plot me shtepi te tilla.Po ashtu per tu spikatur eshte kisha e Sv.Trojices ne te cilen ndohet dhe varri i shkrimtarit te famshem Stjepan Mitrov Ljubisa.Ne arkitekture dallohen dendur gjurmet e stilit roman.
Po ashtu ne kete zone te vjeter te qytetit organizohen dhe shume teatre apo shfaqje te shumta nacionale dhe internacionale sidomos gjate veres .Stina e pranveres eshte e njohur me karnivalet , ndersa vjeshta eshte koha me e ngjeshur e turizmit .Kohe qe vazhdon edhe ne dimer.

Kjo zone eshte me plot kuptimin e fjales piktoreske.Sidomos ditet qe ishim ne , duke perfituar dhe nga koha e keqe dhe qielli i vranet dhe i egersuar , ndertesat dukeshin akoma me te bukura dhe perrallore duke formuar nje kontrast te mrekullueshem me qiellin.
Ate dite patem dhe fatin te rastisnim ne nje nga pazaret e sendeve antike dhe perfitova te shoh dhe fotografoj shume objekte interesante nga periudha e mesjetes dhe rilindjes.
Nuk e di por mbase dhe prej kesaj , si dhe prej struktures se kesaj zone te qytetit , ate dite mu duk vetja si Nils Holgersoni qe kishte gjetur ate qytetin e vjeter qe do te fundosej nese nuk blehej dot ndonje gje brenda nje ore:)
Ndaj thame te bejme njeçike pazar:)
Kafete ishin shume te kendshme gjithashtu.Dhe per vendalinjte mund te them se ishin te dashur dhe te afrueshem.Kishin veçse nje handikap : Nuk para flisnin anglisht.Kesisoj u detyruam te flisnim pak tarzançe.
Nje element tjeter interesant ishte treni qe kalonte neper qytetin e ri dhe pjesen e vjeter te Budves .
Dhe sa i perket fushes se kulinarise , mund te them me plot gojen se , atyre i pelqen te hane dhe shume fare madje.Me beri pershtypje filxhani i stermadh i makiatos , filxhan nga i cili dilnin rahat fare 3 makiato ne Shqiperi:)
Patem dhe mundesine te rastisim ne nje dasem malazeze, qe behej ne nje godine aty afer shtepise qe kishim marre me qera.
Nuk thone kot qe ballkanasit ngjajne me njer tjetrin:) E njejta rremuje , i njejti terbim tip "nje martohet , 100 terbohen"..Gjalleria,muzika,zhurmat,pispillosja,lodrimi po njesoj:)
Dhe statistika e fundit: Duhet te kerkosh me qiri te gjesh nje goce te shkurter :))Te gjitha ishin si lastar..

Si perfundim mund te them se me pelqeu Budva , sidomos pjesa e qytetit te vjeter .Ne ate zone qyteti nuk besoj se do merzitesha ndonjehere, pasi ka nje nderthurje pothuajse perfekte te nostalgjise se se shkuares antike dhe te aktuales.Shto ketu dhe profilin mikprites ballkanas , behet per tu pire ne kupe:)
Jua rekomandoj miq!Ju vura disa foto nga udhetimi im ne Budva shpresoj t'ju pelqejne.

Nese nuk ju hapet slideshow klikoni ne kete adrese:URL:http://www.bighugelabs.com/flickr/slideshow.php?id=38595
per me shume rreth Budves klikoni ketu:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budva

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Lilja 4-ever (Bitter but stunning!)

Lilja is a normal , easygoing teenager , living in the former Soviet Union.She's very happy to hear that her mother is living to US with her boyfriend.She longs to go anywhere away from where she lives , as she finds it dreadfully boring.She likes Britney Spears so she's so excited to going there.Alas , she's abruptly told, that it'd be better if she followed them later.She is left alone in a poor , gloomy apartment , with no money, but vague promises.She's soon told from their state's child protection institution , about her being abadoned from her family as an unwanted inheritor.This causes ferocious pain to Lilja , but she's not an easygoing teenager any longer.After several , dissapointed trials , she starts prostituting to survive. She's become bitterly realistic , trying deceitfully to manage everything as she was totally apathetic.The sole sunbeam in her gloomy life ,is Volodya , a teenager guy , newly rejected from his family.It's heartbreaking and yet astonishing to see how this two lonely , abandoned, disasapointed, two kindred spirits aspire about a new , different, happy life without any dependences to anything they hate or that they are forced to have to live with.
Lilja falls for Andrei ; a guy she meets at the club where she realises her meetings with unknown men.Andrei promises her a new life in Sweden.She follows him , trying to escape from her dark reality , sadly , unaware of the fatal suprises that her fate will be concocting..The harsh reality of this movie seems to slap up your nerves.
Yet, the director has realised a great work conveying the inner worlds of two desperate teenagers , magnificiently proofing us that the liberty and redemption , lies in our soul ;that escaping from all evils depends to us ,ignoring all of the banal,quotidian , unescapable truths of life.
It's for that reason , that this movie is so replenishing , at least according to me.

Winner of different awards and nominated in different film festivals , "Lilja 4-ever" is a very special film , that I'd highly recommend.
For more infos check:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0300140/
Rated : 7.8 over 10 at imdb.com .My vote: 8

p.s: photo sources: www.imdb.com & www.outnow.ch

Friday, October 26, 2007

Feeling hysterical..

What the hell if you've got to work hard?
What the hell if you've got lots to tell or write?
What the hell if you want to meander to your friends pages?
You can't do any of these if you've got a dumb of a pc..Yes ..nowadays our greatest weapon is not money, neither fame ..but this freaky machine called computer..You've got this ..you've got everything!
But without it you're a big NULL.
My PC at my working place , is damn freaked these last days..Turtles could be easily sold as ferraris compared to this lazy big ass pc of mine:(
I just don't wanna skip many things I wanna do, because of getting nuts a& quitting do do anything I want to:(
Ok I know, I'm talking damn silly:) But I can't help it..can't help being so angry from my pc dependence..Help pls!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Gruaja (poezi nga Nazim Hikmet Ran)

that deep look...


Disa thone se gruaja
eshte per te ndare shtratin
ne netet e gjata te dimrit
Dikush thote se eshte
nje kercimtar me nente zilka mbi krye
qe e vini te luaje ne mes te nje pylli te gjelber;
Dikush thote , se eshte bashkeshortja ime,
eshte mekati qe mbaj mbi shpine;
Dikush thote se eshte ajo qe ze brumin..

Nuk eshte as ajo , as kjo, as nje shtrat, as nje kercimtar
as nje bashkeshorte, as nje mekat;

Ajo eshte krahet e mi dhe kembet e mia
Ajo eshte foshnja, nena,gruaja,motra ime
Ajo eshte shoqja e jetes time...

Nazim Hikmet Ran
perkthimi dhe fotoja nga Eni Turkeshi

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Too lazy to write anything new..so..read my meme:)

I normally hate such kind of questionaires but facebook's one was fun answering..wanted to share:) 1.My eye color:hazel 2.Favorite car:land rover 3.Right-handed or left-handed:right 4.Shoes you wore today:sportive ones 5.My fears:all arthropodes (scorpion,spider etc) 6.Goal you would like to achieve this year:graduate from a good photography course 7.Thoughts first waking up:I give up! 8.My bedtime:a kind of question better not asked to insomniacs 9.Pepsi or Coke:water 10.Single or Group Dates:depends on the group (hey I just noticed that:) I meant normal meetigs not dates:D) 11.Chocolate or Vanilla:chocholate of course..vanilla makes me puke 12.Do you smoke:socially 13.Do you sing:sometimes..but my voice sucks 14.Have you been in love:yeah ..I'm a helpless sucker for "the trembling butterflies" on my belly:) 15.Do you want to get married:someday maybe 16.Do you get along with your parents:yeah..I love them 17.Do you play a musical instrument:nope...I don't think I'll be able to , but I'd like to play drums 18.have you smoked in the past months:yep 19:Favorite candy bar:after eight chocholates 20.In the past month have you gone on a date:no... not in the past n months:) 21.When you were little, you use to...acting to be ill, to skip school;)Damn it , I never got sick:) 22.Ever been called a tease:yeah..when I asked my friends to style my hair:) 23.Ever shoplifted:not till now:) 24.What you want to be when you grow up:Will I ever? :D 25.Number of tattoos:none 26.Favorite celebrity:Mickey Rourke 27.All-time favorite sports team:17 nentori (Tirana Team) 28.Ideal girfriend/boyfriend:I'll call him Mylord..he'll call me Mylady:) [ok ok , I just been reading some Shakespeare lately:)] 29.My best friend(s):not many 30.Do you believe in love at first sight:yeah..I have even experienced it 31.Favorite clothing brand:I like Mango,Zara and avantgarde,androgenius brands 32.Dream vacation:wanna travel the world 33.Pet peeve:no ..Fake people 34.My favorite singer:many 35.My favorite movie:got many.. 36.Have you ever fired a gun:not yet..but'll I'm seriosly thinking to to shoot you with all these questions 37.Do you like answering these questions:ehhhhh 38.Do you like yourself:at times 39.I am addicted to...photography,cinema,dance 40.Favorite drink:water 41.Do you have a crush on anyone:these life would be too boring if I hadn't..:) 42.Are you ticklish:yeah..but I'm good at tickling the others too.nobody can resist my hands:) 43.Favorite ice cream flavor:cherry 42.Define yourself in 3 words...reliable sensitive pretending-to-be-smart-asses teaser 43.Do you believe in God:yes 44.Favorite day of the week:saturday 45.Heads or tails:heads 46.Favorite author:hugo,bukowski,hegel,bierce,kafka,camus etc 47.What magazines do you read:photography,cinema 48.Sweet or sour:sour 49.Favorite chewing gum brand: juicefruit,big babol,vivident 50.My hair color:brown 51.Height:1.60 52.My heritage:white caucasian-albanian 53.My weakness:my beloved ones 54.My perfect pizza:vegetarian 55.My most overused phrase on IM:neverending blue monday 56.My best physical feature:tell me :) 57.Do you get motion sickness:sometimes 58.McDonalds or Burger King:my own sandwiches 59.Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:lipton 60.Cappuccino or Coffee:both..why should I miss any of these worlds great tastes:) 61.Do you swear:at times..it's necessary 62.Do you want to go to college:had enough of it already:) 63.Do you think you're attractive:there are some people who make me feel like that.I love them for that 64.Do you like thunderstorms:yep..when I'm home;) 65.In the past month have you drunk alcohol:I'm not an alchohol fan 66.In the past month have you been on drugs:yes ..the drugs of photography:)what were you thinking?:) 67.Favorite cartoon as a child:tom & jerry 68.Favorite sport:skateboard 69.In the past month have I been on stage:no..long time haven't been ..and missing it 70.Ever been beaten up:some slaps when I was a child:) who on hell hasn't? :) 71.How you want to die:I wanna be aware when I'll be dying.. 72.Number of piercings:none..yeah I'm the best bride version:D hahahah 73.Favorite color:marine blue,turquoise,red,grey,black,green,purple..just hate yellow 74.Favorite food dish:I have many...vegetarian and sea food 75.My parents are...amazing 76.Do you have children:not yet 77.Do you have pets:I had (my baby Kibrit) 78.Favorite scent:changeable..mostly sour ,fresh,vamp flavours 79.One time I got drunk and...forgot what I had done or said 5' ago:) 80.My favorite music genre:jazz,blues,psychedelic and everything else whose rhythm makes me dance 81.What can't you live without:my beloved ones 82.My favorite season:autumn.. 83.Silver or Gold:in fact none..but silver is better 84.Who was the last person that called you:my sweet mommy 85.Are you a good driver:I got my licence 9 years ago, but forgot almost e.t because I didnt practice:( 86.Would you rather be rich or famous:I'd rather be smarter than I am.these can handle everything:) 87.When I'm sad or down, I prefer to watch a good movie 88.What is your phone's current ringtone:quizas, quizas (nat king cole) 89.The longest you've gone without sleeping:2 days 90.What would you do with a million dollars:let me have them first:) 91.What makes you laugh:sincere,great funny things and people 92.Your favorite book:many books of my favourite writers 93.Most embarrassing moment:when my hands and foots sweat like crazy:( 94.Favorite item that you currently own:my camera 95.Have you ever moved:yes 96.Kisses or hugs:both :) Hugs come first 97.Are you a very emotional person:not very ..but yes I'm an emotional person and I like it I pick: Emigrant,Akvllnaja,Cluephone,Bebopcowboy,Klodiana, Belle ,Bizele & L.S.Alves to fill this sheet:))Come one guys, don't be lazy:)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Gregori dhe une

Qe nje dite e gjate pune.E lodhshme.Pa te reja.Pa te veçanta.
Shkurt monotone dhe e merzitshme.Nga ato ditet kur jo vetem qe nuk meson apo mer diçka te re , por jep shume fare nga vetja dhe energjia jote.
Kjo me ben ta pres me symbyllur vajtjen ne shtepi.Te mos duroj dot sa te futem brenda, sa te mbyllem dhe te çliroj tere bezidite e grumbulluara gjate dites.
Mua me pelqen qendrimi ne shtepi.E dua shtepizen time.E dua ate boten e vogel ,te krijuar nga vetvetja.Mund te duket pak si egocentrike, por ja qe keshtu e perceptoj.
Me ne fund arrij.Ndjej nje ndjesi lehtesimi.Mire a keq , dhe kjo dite mbaroi, tani eshte koha per qetesim , per kthim ne boten time.
Plandosem mbi divan.E para gje qe bej sa here jam e lodhur.Mbyll syte fort sikur te dua te zhytem ne erresire sublime per disa momente.Kjo me jep pershtypjen e largimit nga shume gjera bezdisese.
Çel syte perseri...Ndjej nje lloj lehtesimi inert qe me endet neper tru.Filloj te gjezdis syte neper dhome, ashtu kot , lirshem ..pa menduar per asgje..Thjesht i kullos .
Dhe ja papritmas ndeshem me ate qe do t'me rrembeje qetesine, ngeshmerine dhe rehatllekun aq mundimshem krijuar.
Qendron ne mur.Eshte i vogel fare.Por sa i hajthem, aq edhe i shpejte.Nje mini ndryshim i ajrit e ben ate te levize me nje shpejtesi te rrufeshme dhe jo me nje levizje e imja.Eshte dhe diplomat i madh.Po nuk levizi gje , as ai nuk leviz, rri si i ngordhur , si i padukshem aty ku eshte.
Provoj te fik driten.E rindez pas pak kur ç'te shoh..ai ka mare tere ate udhe nderkohe.
Eh-,them me vete,- qerrata do te ma hedhesh mua ti?
Ne fakt kur e mendoj thelle , thelle e kuptoj se ai ma merr ne kthese.Eshte i shpejte sa vete dreqi, finok, i ndjeshem ne maksimum dhe rreshqet pa teklif kudo, nderkohe qe forca ime e gravitetit me shtrengon idhtas fort ne toke.Vendos ti afrohem dhe ta godas.Perpjekje qesharake kjo , duke i pasur parasysh vetite e tij.
Atehere , ç'bej?
Vendos ta injoroj.Te bej sikur nuk eshte , nuk egziston fare.
Jam e lodhur ,- them-, me duhet te shtrihem.E çe pastaj se ai kaloi mu afer murit prane shtratit tim?
Por nuk mundem , nuk ja arrij dot.Mendja me rri tek trupi i tij i zhdervjellet.Nuk me pelqejne gjerat qe rreshkasin dhe zhduken shpejt.Ka diçka mistrece ne to.Ka diçka siperfaqesore.
Me ngjallin siklet.
E shoh se eshte e pamundur te mos mendoj per te.
Por e shoh se dhe po me shterrojne fuqite.Ndaj vendos ta pranoj si fakt , si qenie dhe ta pervetesoj kete ide.Madje mundohem te familjarizohem me te, ta shoh si dike te njohur.
E quaj Gregor..Po de Gregor , se qe i paftuar , i padeshiruar tek une.Sepse mbase me kujton shume te paftuar qe rreshkasin paturpshem, paskrupuj ne jeten time.Ashtu pa karar dhe pa lajmerime ...serbes fare.
- Gregor , more djale-,them..Sado i padeshiruar dhe i paftuar qe je ..si misafir qe je ne shtepine time, nuk po te zboj.Por me me duhet te te them diçka , dhe mbaje vath ne vesh, degjove?
Kur te mos jem une ketu je i lejuar te merresh me çdo gje.POR...Nuk dua te shoh nje grimce tenden kur te jem ketu.Kjo eshte shtepia ime..ndaj lipsu ku te duash merr vesh..nuk me intereson fare se nga do katranosesh..
Nuk pipetin asgje , asgjekundi nuk ndjej levizje dhe ferfellima te neveritshme gjymtyresh reptile.
Kuptoj.Ky maskara , po me luan te zgjuarin, te kapshmin.Ashtu , fshehurazi..Me terezi.
Ashti si tere tinzaret qe me kane rrethuar..me ngerdheshje te padegjueshme, duke me futur mua ne siklet per çapaçullleqet e veta.Terbohem..
Vendos te luaj dhe une me armen e tij.Te luaj ate budallain e riperterire.Dhe e bej.
Se pari fik driten.Pres.Pothuajse nuk marr fryme, por e shtrengoj fort pantoflen ne dore.
Dhe ja pas pak me behet sikur ndjej disa zvarritje te squllura mbi mur.Lekura me shnderrohet ne nje gardh puçkurrizash , por nuk bezaj fare.Jam kthyer e tera ne nje det perceptoresh.Ne nje oqean nervash te dallgezuara.Me ne fund e ndjej fare prane.Zhvendoset shkujdesshem, i sigurte qe nuk ka asgje qe po e ndjen.
Dhe i kushton shume rende ky shkujdes!Sa perjetesia vete!
Nervat i kam ende te tendosura paq..Por mundem te buzeqesh.Madje te zgerdhihem.Mendoj me vete se perhere harrohet nje detaj, lihet gjithnje nje dere e hapur ndaj gabimeve, krijohet perehere nje lemsh kur thurren gjerat kot me kot.Mpleksen pameshirshem gjerat kur duket sikur krijohen me plane te urta , por vesvese.
Ndaj eshte me mire te mos i besh keto , mendoj, te mos luash politikanin, te mos brumosesh kurthe, se paku jo kaq rendomshem.Me mire eshte te jesh trim dhe pakez budalla, pakez i paduruar them.Me e shendetshme me duket.
Ndjej batanijen te me rendoje kendshem mbi trup,te me trullose embelsisht drejt gjumit.Eshte nje nate e zeze sterre , pa asnje yll.
Erresire sublime.Perfekte per tu perhumbur ne prehjen e shumepritur.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A bunch of Tirana


Here there are some photos from my last Albania visit.I shot approximately 1000 photos(Budva photos included..to be continued on next days).
Were them enough? No:))
I regret not shoting hundred of other photos because I couldn't resist curious looks .Now I get angry with my self for not insisting to shot what I liked and caring about them.Anyway , I'll bear it in mind for the next time.:)
And ah , ah, I'm deprived from going out with my sister from now on.
She said she'd never go out with me , as she got so bored of my "-Hold a minute.I can't lose this one!" pleads and my neverending stops.
My migrant albo friends, hope you enjoy this one!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Java e filmit spanjoll ne Tirane

Mu kujtua nje shkrim i Salvatoritdhe mendova se tek tuk organizohen dhe evenimente interesante ketu. Javen e kaluar kur isha ne Tirane e pashe lajmerimin por fatkeqesisht nuk pata rastin te shkoj sepse e mora vesh me vonese:(
Sidoqofte me gezoi fakti i organizimit te ketyre aktiviteteve.Jane nje alternative interesante per te ndjekur filmat me te rinj , ata te pavarur ,ose filmat kulte te kinemave te vendeve te ndryshme te botes.Nje nisme shume e lavderueshme kjo, per ta shpetuar popullsine nga shkretetira vetem-hollivudiane qe ofron Millenium.
E mira do qe qe te organizoheshin sa me shume festivale syresh.
Ne fakt nderkohe ne Tirane tere muaji tetor do te kaloje dhe me plot aktivitete te arteve gjermane ndaj dhe ky muaj eshte quajtur tetori-gjerman.Me shume rreth kesaj do ju flas ne ditet ne vijim.
Nese ka ndonje qe e ka ndjekur javen spanjolle do isha e kenaqur nese na le ndonje koment.

Friday, October 12, 2007


According to an old japanese legend , buttons used to signify a bond.
It was especially usual between couples to gift each other tightly buttoned robes while parting , so that they could remain unseparated from each other.It was also thought as a symbol of fidelity.
According to some other statements these buttons were also commented as the result of this bond , that is a child!
But as I had a look at my mom`s button collection different ideas came accross my mind.These buttons symbolise the trend and the period that this dress has been used too.
Some of them seem like screamers of `communist ideologies` under their proletarian image.
I really had big time fun while trying to guess or identify what historical period or design they belonged to.
As a conlusion , I found out I prefered the functional ones for the casual outfits.But for some more spiritually related , ethnic or authentic robes I guess the decorative ones would fit better., to enhance the artistic and emotional effect.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Prag bajrami ne Tirane

Nuk sheh gje tjeter vecse pula dhe gjela deti te alivanosur dhe syfrikesuar qe enden neper duart e te zoteve ne tere qytetin.Them aman te kaloje bajrami dhe te bijne rehat dhe kafshet e gjora:(

Friday, October 05, 2007


Totalitarian buildings of Tirana..Don`t know why but this one reminded me so very much of the time of isolation!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Free as a bird no.2 :)

Hey guys here I am in Albania..I`m feeling great ..Maybe I won`t post that much these days so I decided to put some photos of my flight just to update with all my interesting news..The sky was wonderful and I couldn`t resist taking photos..I also took a photo of Tirana..Take a look..Hope you`ll enojy..best..
Te dashur miq Lymi arriti shendoshe e mire ne destinacion:) po ju ve disa foto nga fluturimi..mireupjekshim se shpejti ne virtualitet:)

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Albanian digital and analogue photographer with a huge love for alternative printing process and all other avantgarde mixed media techniques. All of the work in this blog (photos,writings) except the ones whose source is shown , belong to the blog author.Do not take them without permission.This work is under protection!

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