Yeah !!! For these next 2 weeks I'm leaving to Albania for my annual holidays!2 weeks of an easygoing kind of life!:) Can't wait to be there! I'll write you back from Albania as always! BEST
Çfare me varferon: 1.Te shtyj diçka per me vone ose te ngelem e detyruar te veproj keshtu. 2.Te qendroj pezull. 3.Te kerkoj gjera te humbura. 4.Te shpresoj teksa s'kam mundesi te veproj. 5.Te jem e detyruar te sillem larg çdo gjeje qe me afron me unin tim.
Çfare nuk me varferon po ta bej: 1.Te lavderoj,vleresoj diçka qe me pelqen vertet. 2.Te falenderoj çdokend per çdo gje qe ben per mua. 3.Ta shpreh simpatine apo entuziazmin qe ndjej. 4.Te kerkoj te falur kur jam ne faj. 5.Te buzeqesh ne vend qe te perdor nje maske te ngrysur ne çdo vend dhe rast.
Çfare me pasuron: 1.Te has ne njerez qe ja dine vleren jetes dhe gjerave qe e bejne ate te çmuar. 2.Te shoqerohem me njerez me bote dhe shpirt te pasur dhe zemer te madhe (2 dhome e nje kuzhine:) 3.Te mesoj diçka te re, kesisoj ti hap vetes time dritare te reja. 4.Te fiksoj ne mendje apo aparat momente apo gjendje te veçanta.Me duket sikur pushtoj toka te paditura te shpirtit tim keshtu. 5.Te ndjej , shijoj,nxjerr zine,shtrengoj,perceptoj dhe t'ja di vleren momenteve te rendesishme (te mira apo te keqija qofshin keto) .
On the past days I had the chance to visit Istanbul Design Week .In fact this was the third time it was being organised and I felt myself so bad and lazy for not visiting the previous exhibitions as well.Anyway, better later than never isn't it? The exhibition was held as always under the Golden Horn Bridge , which is the very first bridge ever constructed in Ottoman Empire . It was a cool feeling visiting an exhibition under the bridge.This bridge constructed by Machinebau Ausburg Nürnberg on 1912 , connected the both parts of Golden Horn until 1992 when it became unsable because of the fire.It was reastored in 2005 for the first ıstanbul Design Week and it's in use of arts since then.I think a bridge located exhibition is a brilliant idea ,as it offers you tremendous chanches for fancy,vintage and very different interior decorations.Also it was really weird , yet so cool to visit the exhibition under the mechanisms of such an old and historic bridge.This combined with the surrounding atmosphere of Halic and Balat ,these very well known Istanbul old zones made it really unforgettable. The mission of this exhibition is gathering designers,creative producers,young talents ,fresh ideas of different design disciplines under the same roof .Different , well -known interior designer producer companies and designers last works were displayed alongside with brand new ideas from young talents and interior design students. The main ideas of this year's exhibiton were : comfort, environmental conscience , nature friendly designs, trendy and minimalist ,colorful interiors, cultural symbols inspired creations, human rights (different works against homophobia) , differently explicated sexy creationss etc. Istanbul was amazingly transmited through different designs. Also Hüseyin Çaglayan's Swarowski Led (light diffusing diode) dress was there .It was really magic to see and perceive the fast motion of light and colors. But one of the best parts of this exhibition were the cozy net sittings arranged over the bridges bottom parts..nor you could feel the sea closer , neither you could feel that liberty feeling better! I'm just looking forward to the next year's exhibition!
photo source: lexoja sot gazeten Hurriyet ne Internet dhe me thene te drejten u bezdisa disi nga nje lajm qe lexova.Ishte nje shkrim i pergjithshem mbi famen qe ka çdo shtet ne rryma te ndryshme. Teksa shtete te ndryshme te botes ku ketu fus dhe shume shtete te tjera qe jane bere rishtas pjese e Europes dhe nuk eshte se jane dhe shume te zhvilluara kishin plot elemente te famshme , me erdhi i keq kur pashe se per Shqiperine qene shkruar vetem 4 fakte dy prej te cilave i perkisnin kuzhines.Ja dhe simbolet e fames shqiptare: Prodhimi i kromit, Liqeni i Shkodres, melçia shqiptare (eshte nje lloj gjelle qe e bejne turqit me melçi te zakonshme pule a viçi) dhe byreku shqiptar.Mbase kjo mund te jete nje permbledhje krejtesisht ordinere dhe e shpejte me vlera lajmesh te tipit "limonate" qe lexohen gjate nje kohe shtriqjeje kockash ne fundjave. Por mua me bezdisi sidoqofte.Mbase nuk mund te fajesojme vetem te huajt per kete , por dhe vete shtetin tone si dhe mediat tona per minimumin e punes se bere dhe mundimit te mare per te paraqitur sa me denjesisht vlerat historike dhe figurat e rendesishme historike dhe ato te artit shqiptar. Kjo do te ishte dhe nje shtyse shume e mire per turizimin shqiptar dhe njohjen me te mire te vendit tone , qe do te sillte shume hapa te tjere pozitive me pas. Po ju ç'mendim keni miq?
Fati eshte nje kapitalist barkderr.Ka shume kerkesa ndaj teje, ta merr shpirtin , te ben zbor mire perpara se te te dhuroje diçka.
Fati eshte nje lavire e rregjur. Di fort mire te te zhvase ty duke te mare mendte , pa te çuar aty ku ti vertet deshiron.
Fati eshte nje fabul pa moral.Ka shume rruge qe mbase te çojne tek ai por shume syresh nuk jane te hajrit.
Fati eshte nje probleme me disa zgjidhje.Duket shume here shume i lehte per tu kapur , shume i afrueshem, shume i kuptueshem por ne te njejten kohe ju le ne dileme per te zgjedhur.
Fatit i pelqejne ekstravagancat.Eshte mik me egzagjerimin.Nuk i avitet permbajtshmerise , kenaqesive te kontrolluara , deshirave te kufizuara.Nuk honeps dot shpirtrat e tulatur,zemrat e copetuara.Ka nje natyre te eger fati, te patrajnuar.
Nuk hap rruge.Aq me teper kur e sheh se mjaftohen dhe me nje grimce te tij.I largohet ketyre rasteve , me vrik madje.
Por ka nje te keqe: E ze barku kur ndesh ne te pangopur, ne ata qe cmiren e kane me oreks te madh dhe leshohet vu e vu.Mbase ngaqe e sheh qe aty s'ka karar dhe princip ,s'ka sqime dhe perzgjedhje ndaj zgerlaqet pa teklif.
Ta shohesh hasell hasell, fati nuk ka karakter ,si rrjedhoje nuk i bie te jete ndonje gje fort e çmuar .
Ndaj ne djalle te veje fati miq! Ja gezuar! ------------------------------------------------
Fate is a fatty capitalist.Expects a lot from you, steals your soul and tortures you long way before offering you something. Fate is an expert whore.Knows perfectly how to clean you out , making a fool of you , never consigning youwhere you desire. Fate is a fable without a moral.There might be plenty ways that serve to reach it , but most of them aren't the right ones. Fate is a problem owning many solutions.Many times seems too easy to be reached ,tooavailable , too possible and understandable to be true, but leaves you at a election dilemma as well. Fate enjoys extravagance.Is a close friend with exaggeration . Never draws near consistence , under control taken pleasures , deliberately restricted desires. Despises stagnant souls , broken hearts. Fate is made of awild, untamed nature. Does no tolerations.Especially when bumps into people that are satisfiedwith just a bit of it.Runs away immediately from such cases.
Still ; fate has a bad custom: Develops an abdominal bursteach time it faces with insatiable ones , with thosethat nourish their sick envy with a big appetite , so it just vomits itself generously over them.Maybe this happens because fate does not perceive any trace of prenciples or distinction , any desireto be selective , so it just easily scatters itself around.
To tell the truth , fate has no character , as a conslusion it can't be a very precious thing. So, to hell , with fate my friends! Cheers!
I got this ones at "Istanbul Design Week"."Good 50x70" was the name of the exhibition .The posters themes here were focused around five big social issues: aids, environmental damage, human rights violation, underdevelopment and war; the exhibit consists of posters designed by creatives around the world.I loved all of them , they were so very creative and spooky.Here you may see some of the best ones according to me!
Yeah I'm fed up with these twister translation companies:( It's 7 years I'm doing freelance translations.In fact I'm lucky comparing with some of my other victim friends who are getting cheated regularly.I have been cheated 3-4 times up to now.Of course without counting small cheaters . When I first started working as a freelance translator , I suffered some times because of my lack of experience.Translation companies would send me a 2 pages long"proof" translation text! Hell , how can a proof text be so long? This is just pure cheating! One of them pushed it too far by re-calling me and asking me to do extra 10 sentences of the proof text.I told them I had already done my proof text , but they beseeched me so desperately and I was too lazy to say them no , so I just translated that damn text.But you know , there are some people who are really cheeky.These pretending-to-be-smart-ass people called me back the other day saying they'd forgotten to give me yesterday another paragraph of that proof text. Well , it was that moment that I freaked out, I told them I had already done the proof text and that they should find another fool to collaborate with , as I didn't want any longer to collaborate with them! You know? This worked! We're collaborating now successfully for these 4 last years!:) But alas, not all of them are like this. Now it's exactly 10 months I'm waiting for a 175 € of payment from a disgusting translation company.I have never faced with such people in my life!Maybe a disadvantage of working as a freelance translator is starting collaboration without meeting with the translations company people.In fact I can do this , but you know I don't prefer too as far as I have my money deposited.Why lose time? But maybe I should do it from now on:( In fact big translation sites such as, etc are doing a great job in their warning forums, but you know worms are slippery and they somehow manage to survive and alas , cheat many people. The thing that saddens me more , is that while doing this damn translation, I had my daddy and mommy with me.I lost 5 hours with this damn text , where I could have passed much more time with my parents!:( It is for that special reason that hurts me this much.I called these monsters and each time they'd say me different lies, they'd show me different excuses and they'd promise me each time they'd make the payment by the end of that week.I spoke to them very harshly , offended them, accused them, threated them I'd tell everything to their clients and they wouldn't be able to get any other project, but unfortunately all of these resulted useless. I called them some days before and they kept talking and smiling promising me they'd do the payment by the end of that week:( I'm tired of dealing with them, I mean how can people get so abased?The last thing I'm planing is visiting them suddenly and ask for my money , threating them.But maybe I shouldn't go alone there , as you can expect everything from this disgused guerrillas:( What do you guys suggest?
photo source: , created with flickr toys
Poshte po ve listen e 10 filmave qe me bejne perhere te ndihem mire.Filmat me pelqejne secili me menyren e vet dhe renditja nuk ka lidhje me preferencat e mia per keto filma.Jam e sigurte qe do me kujtohen dhe shume filma te tjere me vone , por nejse se keta me erdhen ndermend tani dhe nuk behem pishman qe i shkruajta:)Ja dhe filmat dhe arsyet pse i zgjodha:
1.Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (regjia:Jean Pierre Jeunet) - Ne fakt shumica e filmave te ketij regjizori me pelqen (fut ketu dhe Delicatessen dhe Lost Children's City gjithashtu jane te preferuarat e mia).Me pelqejne tonet qe perdor, ambientet vintage por aq sa dhe ngjyrat qe perdor.Çdo gje duket me e bukur dhe e veçante ne filmat e tij.Kjo tek Amelie , arrin kulmin per mendimin tim.Me pelqen se kap çdo detaj te jetes , detaje qe shumekujt mund ti kene shkare nga syte dhe kur i rizbulon ne film , buzeqesh duke menduar se ne jete ka shume gjera qe i harrojme shpesh por qe mund te na e bejne jeten te lumtur dhe me kuptim.Me duket shume e gjetur ne film pjesa ku regjizori tregon preferencat dhe bezdite e çdo karakteri.Kjo eshte shume origjinale.Po ashtu dhe menyra sesi eshte paraqitur jeta karakteristike e vendit me terheq.Doza e humorit eshte tamam ne vendin e duhur.E kam ndjekur disa here dhe asnjehere nuk jam merzitur prej ketij filmi.
2.Before Sunrise (regjia:Richard Linklater) - Kur e kam pare kete film per here te pare isha ende adoleshente dhe me ka bere shume pershtypje.Menyra sesi regjizori e ka shtjelluar filmin,personazhet dhe ndjesite e tyre eshte shume e sinqerte dhe e thjeshte, por po aq dhe goditese.Di te them vetem kaq , se sa here e shoh kete film dua te jem ne vendin e personazheve:)
3.Forrest Gump (regjia:Robert Zemeckis) - Ky film mbase ka dhe momente prekese dhe te dhimbshme por kryesisht eshte nje film optimist mendoj .Me prek sidomos momenti kur Forrest meson se ka nje femije nga e dashura e tij dhe ai e pyet ate tere shqetesim nese femija eshte normal apo jo.Eshte e rende per faktin se vete personazhi eshte tere kohes ne dijeni te pamjaftueshmerise se mendjes se vet.E megjithate kjo nuk e pengon ate te jetoje nje jete shume te mbushur me plot ngjarje te çuditshme (shumica e te cilave ja vlen barra qirane ti jetosh) , ka kaluar sprova qe shume njerez normale do ja kishin mbathur me te katra po te ishin perballur dhe ka fituar disa miq dhe njerez te dashur prej verteti!Çfare mund te doje me shume njeriu.Forrest mendoj une, ishte njeri i lumtur!
4.Dirty Dancing (regjia:Emile Ardolino) - Edhe ky eshte nje film qe me ben te ndihem mire.Nuk po flas nga ana e lartesise se tij kinematografike por si me ben te ndihem.Atmosfera,muzika,kercimet e tij jane mbreselenese vertet.Nuk ke sesi te lodhesh apo bezdisesh nga ky film.Sidomos prej ketij filmi mesova disa kenge klas, midis te cilave ajo qe mbizoteron per mua eshte "Cry to me" e Solomon Burke.
5.Dumb & Dumber (regjia:Peter Farelly)- Nje nga komedite me te bukura dhe arrira per mendimin tim.Loje e shkelqyer nga dy heronjte e filmit ,mimika te paharrueshme, humor me kripe.Me pelqen sidomos ta ndjek ne variantin e dubluar italisht:) eshte me e kendshme:)
6.Edward Scissorhands (Tim Burton) - Atmosfere magjike mbizoteron ne tere filmin.Shtepi dhe lagje si prej kukulle te periferive amerikane.Te tera gjerat,pamjet,njerezit,jetet jane shume te çuditshme ne kete film.Luan Johnny Depp.Çfare kerkoni me? :)
7.Amarcord (regjia: Federico Fellini) - Fellini eshte shume i dashur per mua me te tere filmat e tij (do te flas nje dite vetem per te) , por Amarcord ka nje vend veç.Atmosfera e krijuar, pershkrimi fantastik i kultures,jetes ,traditave italiane .Ky film eshte si palce e profilit italian dhe mesdhetar.Elementet me te fuqisheme te perdorura keto ne tere filmat e Fellinit jane grate, çdo gje groteske, egzagjerimi, çmenduria pa kufi , cirku (nje nga elementet qe e hasim shpesh ne çdo film te Fellinit dhe qe ne fakt ka qene shume i rendesishem dhe ne jeten e tij) etj.
8.Black cat, white cat (regjia: Emir Kusturica) - Ja dhe i ashtuquajturi pasardhesi i Fellinit.Edhe Kusturica eshte nje nga regjizoret e mi te preferuar dhe ne fakt shumica e filmave te tij lene nje shije te paharruar dhe shume te mire tek une por nuk mund ti vija te tere ketu sepse do ngelej pa larmi lista:) Edhe Kusturica , ashtu si maestro dhe idhulli i tij Fellini eshte shume i suksesshem ne paraqitjen e kultures dhe stilit te jetes , po ashtu dhe te karaktereve te zones nga vjen: Ballkanit me tere larmine,ngjyrat,elementet e çuditshme dhe te gjendura veç ne Ballkan:) Me muziken madheshtore te Goran Bregovic.Me pamjet piktoreske.Me profilet njeri me i spikatur se tjetri te çdo heroi te filmit.Sidomos gjyshet jane ulerime, ah po edhe gjyshja:) Kush e ka pare do me jape te drejte.Pale pastaj ato zinxhiret e floririt , te trashe dhe te veeeeeeeerdhe, O Zot , ça tmerri:) Nje nga piket kulminante , eshte kur pasaniku (por krejtesisht njeri kokeshkrete) i fshatit kercen kengen" Pitbull , terrier" ne limuzinen e tij:)
9.Addams Family (Barry Sonnenfeld) - Ja dhe nje film qe perhere me ben te futem ne nje bote tjeter.Nje komedi noir e shkelqyer,humori pikant dhe ide shume e veçante per nje film te pakten sipas mendimit tim.Pamja me e forte eshte kur bebja Addams fluturon dhe paraqitet duke qeshur dhe pershendetur nje çift udhetaresh ne avion.Çifti meket nga pamja dhe e mbyllin dritaren te çmeritur:D
10.Chocholate (regjia :Lasse Hallström) - Nuk besoj se ka nevoje per shume fjale per kete film.Eshte i shijshem se pari ore vella:) Pastaj eshte aq estetik saqe s'ka ku shkon me, si nga ana e dekorimit te brendshem,ashtu dhe nga veshjet , apo ngjyrat dhe ambientet.Pastaj ka dhe Binoche,Judy Dench, nordiken e famshme Lena Olin.He , luan dhe Johnny Depp:)) Ç'te shtoj me shume:))
Po lista juaj miq?
I do miss the childhood days.The days when our biggest aim was to win the game and the merriest moment to be selected as the winner .The days we were satisfied watching our cartoons,worried because our doll had catched a cold, sad because of an unimportant quarrel with our friend.The days we were the happiest person to have a new toy or a brand new dress.The school days were fun , holidays a miracle:)
I do miss my easygoing manners, my so-called preoccupations:), my cheerful jumping in front of my house, my excitement on my first swim, my curiosity on the new literature teacher (told to be a very beautiful actress by time), my emotions on my very first crush and I can't help my self from envying my childhood, this merry time of my life.
A sociolog used to say."Every past is beautiful in our eyes"...
I don't think like him..Why I like it is because it's so very special and pure.It's too beautiful to be true, but that's real!
If there's a thing I like in myself ;that's trying to protect the child in me!I've always done this.I've always escaped from the "severe & serious" manners and people behaving like that,I find them so annoying!
Maybe it's risky to act or feel like a child ..You become more sensitive and vulnerable , you can get hurt easily ,but hell ! , you can feel the joy of that unfettered feeling!And that pays !At least it does for me...
We must try to protect the child in us ..It will make us better, much better...
Teksa po shihja kete foton time me erdhi diçka ne mend.Ne kete foto siç mund ta shihni ka dy ane mjaft te ndryshme.Njera ane eshte e mbushur me gjelberim, ana tjeter krejtesisht e thate dhe e mbushur me gure.Ajo qe i ndan ne mes eshte nje gardh druri. Ne fakt , siç mund ta shihni dhe nga titulli i fotos , ajo qe me erdhi ne mend ne fillim qe te kapja nje kontrast minimalist.Por kur e pashe per te disaten here siç ju thashe dhe ne fillim ne koke me erdhi nje ide krejtesisht tjeter. Dihet qe e tere bota po afrohet me shpejtesi drejt fenomenit te thatesiret gjigande qe do te ktheje ne shkretetire shume toka per momentin te begata.Druri simbolizon pemet ketu.Dihet qe pemet jane nje nga elementet baze qe e ruajne klimen drejtkesaj katastrofe.Ndaj me e mira qe mund te bejme ne kete mes eshte te mbrojme pemet dhe te mundohemi dhe te mbjellim!Kudo qe te ndodhemi. Fondacioni TEMA ne Turqi , nje fondacion ambientalist ka nisur nje nisme shume te bukur.Per ta bere dhe me te lehte dhe te aplikueshme kete nisme ata e kane organizuar ne menyre te tille qe te mos nevojitet pagese.Thjesht duhet te futeni ne faqen dhe te mbushni formularin qe ndodhet aty.Pasi ta mbushni kete formular, do t'ju vijne 20 sms nga firma te ndryshme.Nuk jeni te detyruar ti lexoni keto sms.Por kjo do t'ju sjelle juve 9 peme te mbjellura ne emrin tuaj!Per nevojat e letres se nje njeriu ne vit (tip gazete,fletore,libra etj etj) priten 7 peme! Vetem me pjesemarrjen tuaj ne kete ankete, ja ktheni borxhin tuaj natyres dhe madje dhe dhuroni dhe 2 peme!Mendoj se kjo eshte nje nisme per tu duartrokitur! Per me shume informacion rreth fondacionit : -------------------------------------------- When I saw this photo of mine , I started to think how near a desert becoming world phenomenon is:( You can see from the photo too.A part of it is full of a blooming green and the other one , so very dry and full of stones.And what divides this awful square is wood , which I think symbolize the trees here.Aren't trees in fact a very important factor in protecting the climate from this catastrophe?For that reason I think it's so very important to protect them and if possible to plant them wherever we are. TEMA FOUNDATION a very well known environmental foundation in Turkey has undertaked a fantastic organisation .You must enter this site : and fill a form.After that , you'll receive 20 sms from different companies .You don't have to read them , just receiving them will be enough to plant 9 trees for you.Just imagine : 9 trees will be planted because of you! So come on fill this form. For more infos on tema :
Albanian digital and analogue photographer with a huge love for alternative printing process and all other avantgarde mixed media techniques.
All of the work in this blog (photos,writings) except the ones whose source is shown , belong to the blog author.Do not take them without permission.This work is under protection!