Sunday I had to go to Ankara, so I decided to go by bus , as I like travelling by bus .Well , as a matter of fact , I'm afraid of plane trips , I have travelled several times , but I still haven't managed not to be stressed while being in a plane.
Anyway , the trip would last 6 hours so I thought it might be better to take a book by myside.
As soon as the journey started , the hostess started to offer us , cakes, coffee and other beverages as well.She kept doing this approximately all the time.I was surprsed to see such a thing , because even in the plane you can't get such a service.You know the meals are getting smaller each time at the planes.
As I wrote on my last post , I was feeling so sleepy so I decided to have some coffee .I was just to read my book when I heard some awful voices.They came from the movie.It was a movie about some magicians.I don't know , should I add it was a dreadful movie?That's why B.class would be too positive for it:)
Anyway , the trip would last 6 hours so I thought it might be better to take a book by myside.
As soon as the journey started , the hostess started to offer us , cakes, coffee and other beverages as well.She kept doing this approximately all the time.I was surprsed to see such a thing , because even in the plane you can't get such a service.You know the meals are getting smaller each time at the planes.
As I wrote on my last post , I was feeling so sleepy so I decided to have some coffee .I was just to read my book when I heard some awful voices.They came from the movie.It was a movie about some magicians.I don't know , should I add it was a dreadful movie?That's why B.class would be too positive for it:)
I remember my last time when I travelled , it was a bad movie playing too.
I think some music would do better:)
Anyway , I got some great photos from the bus , it had snowed somewhere (I don't know where we was at the moment) and looked really enchaunting.
I enjoy travelling by bus, reading while traveling and meditation.And the view was really terrific , so I had a great time.
I guess I'll go there often as long as my friend will be there...
Edhe une i kam fiksim autobuzat dhe trenat. Trenat sidomos. :D
P.S. Eni, nje pyetje qe mbeti e papersgjigjur dje ne shkolle. Ne Turqi, veshja e hijab-it (ndoshta quhet ndryshe aty, ajo gjeja qe mbulojne koken grate muslimane) eshte e ndaluar me ligj apo jo?
edhe une kam nje çik, po vetem nje çik frike nga avioni, heren e fundit qe bera nje udhetim te gjate, me kujtohet qe lexova nje liber policor per te mos menduar ku isha. Nejse çfare libri ishte ?
joni : dhe une vdes per doja shume te kisha provuar "orient express" sidomos:)
Mbulimi i femres eshte i ndaluar vetem per vendet zyrtare si shkolle,pune etj.POr ne jeten e perditshme çdokush eshte i lire te sillet si te doje.
tena: patrick süskind: "das parfum".me duket goxha interesant , ndaj d ju shkruaj nje dite per te.Madje i kam marre dhe filmin por nuk do e shoh para se te lexoj librin.Mbase ju flas per te dyja pernjehere..
Das Parfum? Po e lexon ne gjermanisht? Aq me mire! Eshte liber i mrekullueshem. Me perjashtim te fundit paka te sforcuar dhe teatral, pjesa tjeter eshte magjepese.
sa do doja ta lexoja gjermanisht por ende s'jam aq e forte sa per te lexuar nje liber ne gjermanisht:(
d class movies? s'e kisha degju ndonjehere. ca jane kto, homemade videos?
udhetimet me tren mbeten te preferuarat e mia. sa here qe jam kthyer ne evrope ndalesha ne itali dhe kur merrja trenin ishte nje kenaqesi e vecante sepse peisazhet i kane fantastike, nuk eshte si ketu ne usa qe aq borin kur merr trenin:(
i love flying:))
shqipo : po ta lexosh me vemendje shkrimin tim do e kuptosh:)
belle : sa mire qe s'paske frike te udhetosh..
Mua Parfumi me ka lene shije te hidhur. E lexova para 8 vjetesh ne anglisht pas nje periudhe shume intensive provimesh. Ndoshta i ka ardhur koha per rilexim.
Eni fluturimet jane statistikisht shume here me te sigurta sesa makinat, autobuzet e trenat. Une per vete preferoj fluturimin qofte edhe me ata avjonet "kacatorre" me te cilet na bie te vemi ne Tirane.
@eni, ncuq:))...madje jam mesuar kur udhetoj brenda amerikes dhe s'me ben pershtypje se jam mesuar.
i lexoj me shume vemendje shkrimet...
Gëzuar festën e 8 Marsit. Shëndet, begati dhe suksese.
Elais: e di se çfare thone statistikat , po ta dish se çfare thote truri im se :))
belle: lumsi ti:)
shqipo: nuk ishtehomemade movie , por ta shpifte ndaj e klasifikova si te klases d.
n.ago: falemderit.urimet me te mira dhe per gruan .
paske pasur një udhëtim të këndshëm. Ndoshta herën e ardhshme mund ta marrësh një dvd me vehte dhe të propozosh që ate në autobus ta shiqoni?
btw- urime 8 marsin! Këtu në Belgjikë 8 marsit nuk i ipet rëndsi dhe bile shumë pak njerëz e dijnë që është ditë internacionale e grave!!!
Une e kam lexuar librin dhe nuk kam pare filmin. Ne fund te librit, vendosa te mos e prekja kete autor (mgjth ndrova mendje me vone) se fundi i linrit me duket nje çik pervers.
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