After Istanbul's conquire , this cistern's existence remained unknown for other 100 years, until the day it was re-discovered because of the water remainings in the basements and of the people who used to go fishing towards the open holes.
After it , the cistern has been reused again.
During the '80, the cistern has passed through a whole reconstruction.
The cistern is measured to be 145 m long and 65 m wide.It's surface is 9800
m².Cistern consists of a total of 360 columns , whose view and perspective also adding here the successful lighting and the wonderful reflection on the water , makes a magic contrast with the general darkness and pushes your general dimensions thoughts further , thrilling you more and more.The pedestal with two Medusa heads at the end of the cistern, is another stunning and evocative detail of this unique building.One of the heads is positioned on it's side and the other inverted.There is still water under the columns (app.12 inches long) and some lovely fishes floating.According to a legend; the origin of the water of this cistern are the Medusa's tears!
There is also a corner , where you can say a wish and throw any coin money.It's so very interesting to see how this place shines , with differents countries coins!
Seems like the whole world is united there wishing for her wish to come true:)
Seems like the whole world is united there wishing for her wish to come true:)
Another stunning detail is a very special column of the cistern named "The column of the tears".This very special column is filled with misks and is much greener than the others .Also , the cravings in "tear shape" , give this column a mesmerising aura.
In case you want to enjoy this place longer, you can have a coffee at the cafeteria found inside.If you're lucky and in time , you might also enjoy the beautiful poetic or musical nights that are often organised here.
The only problem in this lovely cistern , is the non-stop odour and the hard air caused by the high humidity.But one has to survive this for such a beauty ain't it?
The only problem in this lovely cistern , is the non-stop odour and the hard air caused by the high humidity.But one has to survive this for such a beauty ain't it?
Oh yessss I LOVE the cistern! There's a magical feeling in that space!
isn't it dear Kim?
i have visited it more than 10 times and i still love to visit it!
Jarebi uratën të keç moj koce po vërna na një gërmë edhe në këtë gjuhën tënë se po na merr malli nashtinë, pa le këto ngjyrat flakërimë të kuqe kështu që ma ke ndezur këtë kokën ylyver ma ke ndezur e ku nuk më vete mëndja mua.
hahaha veç tek e kuqja te rrika mendja nene:)
My favorite place in Istanbul...I don't think I could get bored of it any time...
same for me hon!
Sa bukur:) Faleminderit qe me bere te udhetoj keto 7 minuta.
gezohem qe te pelqeu Alidea dhe mire se vjen:)
Po mirë moj zoçkat e nënës ju që nuk e kuptoj dot nëna këtë meselenë tuaj që shkruani allafrënga e këndoni në shqip po pse nuk më thini edhe nënës ju ça thoni këtu që të mos dal nëna apsaq.
e moj nena flas per nje çisterne shume te njohur qe nga koha e qemotit e kalon dhe kohen e Zeqos tend ndaj nuk mendoj se hyn ne preferencat e tua.
Eshte ndertuar me urdher te perandorit Justinian.
ja dhe foto e tij:
goxha burre he? :)
dhe eshte me i madh se 80 vjeç ndaj besoj se hyn ne te preferuarit e tu;)
zoçk e nënës ti që më jep shpengime nënës ti po Zequa im është gjallë moj bij apo e ngatërrove me merhumin që është bër për ramet mavrija që më gjazhjetetrenë me Kruçovin hakoma.
ue me fal se te shtiva ne mekat kot o neno:)
e eme e zeqos nuk te ndahet.e ka beqar zeqon thote...
me shkrive fare me ate pergjigjen per cisternen...
pershendetje dear
:) flm Dritan
te pershendes..dite te bukur!
o enoooo, icik me vonese une te keto cisternat, por mua mu bene fiksim dhe keto, dua patjeter ti vizitoj, aty brenda eshte bote tjeter fae me duket mua, pa lidhje me realitetin normal... woww! po ndonje vampir kishte? ca ka bota nga nje ane, ca prestacionesh istorike kemi ne nga ana tjeter... eshte per te ardhur gjynahhh :(
salut mon ami
Loer po erdhe duhet ta vizitosh patjeter.eshte nje "must"!
ne vampir nuk kam rastis deri me sot:)
vertet me vjen dhe mua shume keq se nuk ja bejme hiç reklamen bukurive qe kemi.
kalofsh mire dude!
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