I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed; At first there blows a gentle breeze And the leaves on the trees Softly flutter or sway; Out there, far away, The bells of water carriers incessantly ring; I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed.
I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed; Then suddenly birds fly by, Flocks of birds, high up, in a hue and cry While nets are drawn in the fishing grounds And a woman's feet begin to dabble in the water. I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed.
I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed. The Grand Bazaar is serene and cool, A hubbub at the hub of the market, Mosque yards are brimful of pigeons, At the docks while hammers bang and clang Spring winds bear the smell of sweat; I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed.
I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed; Still giddy since bygone bacchanals, A seaside mansion with dingy boathouses is fast asleep, Amid the din and drone of southern winds, reposed, I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed.
I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed. Now a dainty girl walks by on the sidewalk: Cusswords, tunes and songs, malapert remarks; Something falls on the ground out of her hand, It's a rose I guess. I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed.
I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed; A bird flutters round your skirt; I know your brow is moist with sweat And your lips are wet. A silver moon rises beyond the pine trees: I can sense it all in your heart's throbbing. I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed.
loer kume: e drejte ne pune kam qene me e zene se heret e tjera ndaj s'jam dukur shume.po ashtu javes tjeter kma qene ne dy festivale filmash ndaj s'jam bere dot e gjalle:) por do kthehem shpejt me ca pershkrime filmash:) cheers
n.ago:flm:) jo jo por siç duket ka rastisur shpesh anglisht kohet e fundit:)pershendetje mik.
flm ne kete post vetem foto eshte e imja e bere me aparat analog se perkthimi ishte i gatshem ne siten qe e gjeta..eshte shkrimtar i madh kam vene dhe nje poezi tjeter te tij , ate e kam perkthyer vete , quhet "ka diçka prej alokoli ne ajer" uroj ta pelqesh ate:)
Albanian digital and analogue photographer with a huge love for alternative printing process and all other avantgarde mixed media techniques.
All of the work in this blog (photos,writings) except the ones whose source is shown , belong to the blog author.Do not take them without permission.This work is under protection!
shume e bukur ajo fotoja qe ke vendos lart, bar eshte apo me duket mua?
flm po esh tavani i nje bari:)
po ku je se humbe :) c'behet ? pune e di nga facebook, ndonej te re?
syri fotografik i yti, padyshim që veçon!
p.s.. e ktheve vetëm në englezçe këtë shtëpizën tënde!:)
loer kume: e drejte ne pune kam qene me e zene se heret e tjera ndaj s'jam dukur shume.po ashtu javes tjeter kma qene ne dy festivale filmash ndaj s'jam bere dot e gjalle:)
por do kthehem shpejt me ca pershkrime filmash:) cheers
jo jo por siç duket ka rastisur shpesh anglisht kohet e fundit:)pershendetje mik.
vete e ke perkthyer poezine, apo jo? edhe fotoja i shkon shume per shtat.
flm ne kete post vetem foto eshte e imja e bere me aparat analog se perkthimi ishte i gatshem ne siten qe e gjeta..eshte shkrimtar i madh kam vene dhe nje poezi tjeter te tij , ate e kam perkthyer vete , quhet "ka diçka prej alokoli ne ajer"
uroj ta pelqesh ate:)
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