Today it's the last day of this year and always it's a day that makes you think of the whole year eventhough you don't care or you hate this days.You can't stop thinking of what passed this year , what you earned (not in the economic aspect) and mostly what you've lost....
When you lose s.t or s.b dearest to you in fact the other things remain very meaningless.Because your loss is huge and irrevocable..In such a case I resemble this year with a black hole that absorbed one of my best belongings...Being insuch a situation makes me not care a lot about 2007..
However , what I'd expect from this year would be energy for working and lots of things to do , fulfilled goals and moments and the last but not the least appreciating and feeling blessed for our beloved ones and good things we might face...
p.s: ok ok , one trip to Praha and Scandinavian countries would be ok as well...Are you noting these ones down Santa Claus:)