I love antique shops...I love the atmosphere that surrounds them..everything is so nostalgic and poetic in there.the colors , the odor , the corners , the objects ; everything just screams history !
Every object has it's own story , it's own experience in this world ...An antique shop is the best place to see all of this great objects of different epochs altogether...It's really great..You feel you are passing in a historic corridory !
There are people who hate this kind of places..They find them very dull , but I love them.Maybe I wouldn't prefer to have a house full of antique objects , but the idea of seeing them altogether thrills me..
Here there are 2 photos from an antique shop in Istanbul ,Turkey...
Poshte po shkruaj disa fjali klishe qe i urrej ne shqip: 1.Kur çdo gje te mbulohet nga pluhuri i harreses... (Ky pluhuri i harreses , me duket aq togfjalesh i dobet dhe medioker sa qe me perzihet sa here e lexoj).... 2.Dielli puthi kindat blu te fundit te qiellit...(boooo sa kot) 3.Toka qe mbushur plot me qilimin e kafte te gjetheve...(ça qilimi paskesh qene more:) per momentin kaq me kujtohen ...mund te shtoni dhe ju... do shtojme dhe te tjera:)
Recently I realised how much useless things I have collected everywhere in my house.There are papers, notes ,brochures , things I don't wear anymore ,and a lot of old useless stuff ! It stressed me just to think of it !So I decided to collect them and throw away!Yes I knew it would be a boring evocation , but I had to :( I have a bad habit of watching and controlling the old things...every one of it reminds me of something...strange isn't it?Even while throwing it , its memories stay with me...that's why it takes such a long time to throw them and to get rid of all of these stuff !
However , after 4 hours I had lighter & emptier shelves and wardrobe and lighter memories as well:)
Upon the request of Shqipo here's a photo of my cleaned up refrigerator mess:)
All of us have some objects who are dear and special for us...some because are given from our beloved ones , some because give us a good energy and some because remind us of very special moments
I just love this mug for example.It is at the same time very elegant and artistic and very cozy too. It gives me warm feelings !
One needs such kind of things especially while working..it makes some things easier:)
Yesterday I had to go to the airport to wait for 2 turists and while I was waiting I saw something very funny.I saw a man handling a paper where the name and the surname of the turist were writen ...the name was ok , but God , what do yu think his surname was : CRAPTREE :))) I couldn't believe my eyes...I started to laugh in an uncontroled way.... Then I approached to that person and asked him who he was waiting for...It came out he didn't speak english at all...(in fact I was sure about that :)cause nobody that speaks english wouldn't dare it...At that time his turist came ...you should have been there to see his face..it changed colors from yellow, red up to blue :) then he forced hisself to smile and immediately changed the surname on the letter as CRABTREE.... You see ; sometimes a letter changes a lot of things , even your prestige :)
My daddy has been a bit ill the last days...So he's laying all the time...The worst thing is that I'm away from him :( It makes me so sad thinking that I'm not near him now...I called him yesterday and I felt his voice didn't have the same energy it always has ... I could feel he was tired and not feeling his best...But what touched me was that , eventhough his situation , all of the time he kept on asking how I was doing and on persuading me that he was ok and I shouldn't worry...:( It broke my heart...The thing that I wasn't there to give him a hug , to squeeze him for a while made me feel so bad...I had to force myself to smile and then I hanged up the phone...Daddy I love you so much :(
This November started stormy and rainy ...It's 3 days we're having a lot of rain.Yesterday I just saw at the news that for every metre square of Istanbul has rained 35 kg of rain !!Man this is crazy !!OK I said once that I missed autumn , but I didn't miss the rain :) It's so boring to wake up each day under so much rain.I hate the feeling of being wet all over.There are people that love walking under the rain ,but me : NOOOOO...
I just love to watch the rain from inside...However the atmosphere is beautiful , there are great leaves and colors everywhere and the air is great...
Albanian digital and analogue photographer with a huge love for alternative printing process and all other avantgarde mixed media techniques.
All of the work in this blog (photos,writings) except the ones whose source is shown , belong to the blog author.Do not take them without permission.This work is under protection!