Une paskam fituar mes 5 fotove me te mira konkursin e kartolinave te 14 shkurtit te organizuar nga Mania Card (www.maniacard.com). Madje dhe kartolina me foton time qenkesh shtypur nga kjo faqe. Per cilen? Per kete foto timen. Por prisni , prisni mos me uroni para kohe. Vertet kane ndodhur te tera keto , por fotoja ime nuk eshte e njejta , e kane prere, stolisur jo keshtu minimalisht por sakatuar ama ...Botoks the? Edhe Cher nuk ka pesuar aq shume ndryshime shperfytyruese sa foto ime. Ndryshimi me i madh cili qe do thoni? Po ja prapa kartolines shkruan me germa te medha dhe pa i bere fare syri terr:
Besoj se e shihni operacionin e kryer mbi foton time apo jo? Sa e lehte eshte ne Shqiperi te vihet shenja e te drejtes se autorit?Sa e lehte eshte te perfitohet mbi punen e dikujt tjeter , duke e perdhosur , ndryshuar, mos respektuar , mos treguar ate aq me teper duke vene te drejte autori mbi punen e dikujt tjeter?
Ja pra kaq elehte qenka. Une vetem nje gje nuk kuptoj. KyElton Kojakaq te lehte e kishte ta vinte kete te drejten e autorit siper fotos sime?Se jo per gje por nje foto qe dihet anembane se eshte e imja dikur do ti dilnin lakrat ne shesh apo jo?Dhe ja qe me ne fund doli ne shesh. Nje ankese i eshte parashtruar firmes qe ka nxjerre kartolinat , ndersa Elton Koja le te gezoje oret e fundit te te drejtes se autorit mbi foton time dhe ore te pafundme turpi per vjedhjen e shemtuar! Dhe shtoj se nuk do ta le me kaq!!!
Yesterday i had the chance to watch Bertold Brecht`s drama `The caucasian chalk circle` performed by the students of Academy of Fine Arts of Albania, acting branch. My cousin , the lovely girl on the picture above was performing too;) It was their diploma performing and everyone was a little stressed but they managed perfectly to transmit the emotions and powerful sense of this beautiful piece of Brecht. I don`t think i`m exaggerating when i say all of them looked so pro in my eyes! It was one of the best performances i`ve seen lately;) To read more on the drama please check the link below.
to me photography is like a special braille alphabet that helps us humans , see and/or touch the perceptions,feelings,colors,moods and moments , that we sometimes , are just blind to see.
can you control suspension? can you heal obsession? can you fake tranquility? can you make the air lighter? can you restrain a demanding soul? can you sober a rebel heart? can you stop thoughts suffocation? and please , oh please :can you comb my nerves?
In that big big house there are fifty doors and one of them leads to your heart.
in the time of spring I passed your gate and tried to make a start.
all I knew was the scent of sea and dew
but ibeen in love before, how about you?
There`s a time for the good in life, a time to kill the pain in life, dream about the sun you queen of rain.
In that big old house there are fifty beds and one of them leads to your soul.
its a bed of fear, a bed of threats, regrets and sheets so cold.
all I knew your eyes so velvet blue,
I`ve been inBefore, how about you?
There`s a time for the good in life... Its time to place your bets in life, I`ve played the losers game of life, dream about the sun you queen of rain.
Albanian digital and analogue photographer with a huge love for alternative printing process and all other avantgarde mixed media techniques.
All of the work in this blog (photos,writings) except the ones whose source is shown , belong to the blog author.Do not take them without permission.This work is under protection!