note all images :© Eni Turkeshi Photography
I wanted to share some photos from a lovely vintage shop , i visited some days ago in Tornby, Denmark.
more about Tornby here :

I`m in love with everything vintage and i think this was one of the best vintage shops to visit.

You could find there different objects and also different kind of food,beverages and cigarettes.

But not only them of course;)Lots of toys, fancy toy saving boxes, colorful yarns , kitchen stuff etc etc.

If it was for me i`d spend a long long time there , having a look at every detail of this cute store.But the bus had to leave so i tried to get some photos to keep them in my mind ;)

For a moment i felt like Amelie that found that old box in her apartment ;)I couldn`t help it;)
I hope you will enjoy looking at the photos too;)