Monday, December 30, 2013

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Shure Call for Legends Band Contest Entry - Casperous Vine

Shure Call for Legends Band Contest Entry - Casperous Vine

"Please dontate 4 minutes and fifty eight seconds of your time to help Casperous Vine be qualified to enter the "Shure" contest. All we need to qualify is 300 listens of our track entitled "Ginger" by the deadline of January 6th. If chosen there is the magnificent possibility for Casperous Vine to perform in Europe´s most prestigious jazz festival the "Montreux Jazz Festival" & also we would have the opportunity to do a recording session with a very high end studio in the U.K, not to mention the 3000 euro worth of mic-monitoring equipment that we could possibly win. This is also an opportunity to share one of the featured tracks on our upcoming release entitled "Immigrant" which will be out in early 2014. For those who are familiar with our repertoire it is a chance to hear a familiar song but with a new arrangement and high quality recording, and for those not familiar..well it is a chance to hear what (or at least one style) of what we do. Thank you very much, have a merry xmas and happy beginning to 2014 and please share this with others if you believe in us."

Friday, December 27, 2013


check out my short video i made some years ago on my first visit to Prague ;) [2009]

prague from eni turkeshi imagery on Vimeo.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Marche pour la cérémonie des Turcs (J.B. Lully)

one of the best works of J.B.Lully , in an amazing movie like `tous les matins du monde`by Alain Corneau.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Fate of Edra

A heartwarming , piquant movie from Can Eren :)
check it out from director`s vimeo page :)

BAYDARA "fate of edra" from can eren on Vimeo.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

before sunrise

I`m a huge fan of Richard Linklater`s trilogy (Before sunrise, Before sunset, Before Midnight).
Having been a fan of it for a long time , since watching the very first of the series and right after watching the latest on (i prefer not to say the last;) , where i once more enjoyed the great dialogues between Jessie & Celine , i felt like i had to make such photographic trilogy series as a humble tribute to such beautiful work.
Hope you`ll enjoy :)

you may check the whole project here

before sunrise

before sunrise

note all work by :  (c) Eni Turkeshi Imagery

Friday, September 13, 2013

Renegade Visions Magazine publication

check out my work published on Renegade Visions Magazine.soon to be printed too :)
You may see my work from pages 11-17 and my photo as the back cover of the zine :)  Soon to be printed ;)

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Memories from Finland

all photos by : (c) Eni Turkeshi Imagery
whole project : here


I visited Finland in 2010 altogether with friends from the school i was attending by that time in Denmark.
We went by a cruise passing  from Stockholm to Helsinki.The cruise was a whole story by itself :) The journey was so much fun all the time , we kept drinking, partying, having fun with friends , seeing the crazy moon shining over the wild sea, breathing the ice cold air .It was quite surreal that whole damn trip i miss it !

I liked Helsinki , especially it`s nice , crazy architecture.The food was not always my cup of tea, but the fish was delicious and so were the soups.
I liked many hidden districts of Helsinki ( as usual:)
One cool district was the `design district`, very well known for different artists ateliers.
And of course KIASMA ;) Loved it`s awesome shape and artists`s works shown meanwhile (i`ll share some more related  pics in another post).
We also visited Kaapeli museum , a very rich museum in visual arts!Recommended!
Turku  was also visited altogether with the King`s castle , which was also a treat to the eyes.
Kerava city , a lovely miracle of nature , marveled me with the overwhelming beautiful trees and plants.As well as with its museum `Kerava taidemuseo`
I`m not so good with words, so i`ll let my photos to speak, promising i`ll come with more pic from this nice trip of mine.[ i`m not sure why it took me so long to post about it here :D]


Saturday, August 17, 2013

Medusal mood

Medusal mood

digital mixed media  by     (c) eni turkeshi imagery
whole project here

The story of Medusa and different legends and associations about her have always intrigued me. I had first seen her sculpture in Istanbul, at Yerebatan Cistern. The images in my series consist of self portraits mixed in Photoshop with Turkish coffee patterns images. I had several reasons to use those patterns. Firstly because visually it connotates Medusa`s hair. Secondly,as many of us know the Turkish coffee patterns are famous in fortune telling. If we look back at the story of Medusa, she used to be a pretty girl with wonderful hair. After being cursed by the goddess Athena, her fortune totally changed and her hair turned into terrible snakes , while her face became incredibly ugly so each person that would stare at her would get stoned. So I symbolized the coffee patterns with the ways of destiny. At the same time Medusa is also known as a symbol of nihilism and negotiation of many meaningful aspects of life. The whole final imagery connotates not a very optimistic determinism on facts we can`t change however we try to escape from them and the final way we choose to live with it.

Monday, August 12, 2013


cinemalynch movie time
92620024Sydney Opera HouseMaxim
elle at the belcortI got a pocket full of wisdom up my sleeve and the night is young.I said no more gameIn the black and whiteKino

cinemas, a gallery on Flickr.

my flickr selection with cinema salons photos .a gallery i heart :)

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Albanian digital and analogue photographer with a huge love for alternative printing process and all other avantgarde mixed media techniques. All of the work in this blog (photos,writings) except the ones whose source is shown , belong to the blog author.Do not take them without permission.This work is under protection!

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I've been to 121 cities in 17 countries
Eni is an explorer that:
does their own thing
is happy with a roof and running water
flirts with danger
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0.2% most cities visited - Kosovo
0.4% most cities visited - Denmark

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