And by this i don't mean asocial people , people that find it hard to get in touch with the others of course.
I mean the people that content theirselves and don't need other people just because they don't like being lonely. Yes , maybe you find it strange , but i have came across a lot of of these people.
I don't like their company.I guess because they make me understand they aren't enjoying mine as well. Or maybe because they need my friendship anyway, because they just can't stand to be alone.
I find it so superficial. And so desperate.
One should first get enough of his/herself i think. If you see people , if you get in touch with them just to escape from your loneliness and boredom , you aren't going to do anything good to yourself or the others.
Loneliness should be experienced sometimes. Loneliness should be perceived. Loneliness should be enjoyed.
Loneliness offers you the luxury of an intense conversation with your innerself.
This conversation might hurt sometimes.Sometimes it might get your worse.
But at the end of this experience , you won't have anything to escape from. You'll have signed a total piece with yourself. And once you have achieved this ; you'd be able to pass quality time with yourself only or with others as well. You won't experience something in order to escape from something else , you'll really be able or be willing to share what you want with the others.
But in order to reach this , you need to master your loneliness; this very slight line that separates your true preferences from your egoistic fears.
I have respected those people too. Cause they are brave.
Te jetosh vetem do te thote te jesh trim. trimeria eshte pavaresi. Pavaresia te con te vetvetja. Nje njeri qe ka jetuar vetem per nje kohe te gjate, mund te adaptohet fare lehte te jetoje me te tjere. Nderkohe qe dikush qe ka jetuar gjithnje nen ombrellen e nje tjetri, duke u mbeshtetur gjithe kohen tek ndihma jashte vetes, i ka shanset afer zeros te perballoje nje jete vetem.
kapje shume interesante. me pelqen si e ke trajtuar.
I totally agree, except that one doesn't choose a lonely life; one chooses not to hang out with people just for the sake of being social or not being alone. Being alone needs strength but this is the kind of strength that one earns only be being alone. Kshu kshu... Loved the pic:)
akell ka dhe njerez qe jane "dhi" e dun me nejt me verte vetem nuk und ta perjashtojme fare si fakt:) flm per foton moj shoqe.mua me pelqen per faktin se ai stoli esh i vetmuar mes tere atyre pemeve e shtepive , pra i vetmu ne mes te kallaballikut. danke;)
Vetmia/jeta e vetmuar eshte nje gjendje e perkoheshme, Eni. Te pakten ky eshte konkluzioni qe kam nxjerrur nga eksperiencat personale dhe te atyre qe kishin zgjedhur nje jete te vetem.
Aprovimi social eshte nje pjate eres te se ciles s'mund t'i qendroje larg askush per gjate.
Albanian digital and analogue photographer with a huge love for alternative printing process and all other avantgarde mixed media techniques.
All of the work in this blog (photos,writings) except the ones whose source is shown , belong to the blog author.Do not take them without permission.This work is under protection!
I have respected those people too. Cause they are brave.
Te jetosh vetem do te thote te jesh trim. trimeria eshte pavaresi. Pavaresia te con te vetvetja. Nje njeri qe ka jetuar vetem per nje kohe te gjate, mund te adaptohet fare lehte te jetoje me te tjere. Nderkohe qe dikush qe ka jetuar gjithnje nen ombrellen e nje tjetri, duke u mbeshtetur gjithe kohen tek ndihma jashte vetes, i ka shanset afer zeros te perballoje nje jete vetem.
kapje shume interesante. me pelqen si e ke trajtuar.
flm dhe ty per feebackun;)
I totally agree, except that one doesn't choose a lonely life; one chooses not to hang out with people just for the sake of being social or not being alone.
Being alone needs strength but this is the kind of strength that one earns only be being alone.
Kshu kshu...
Loved the pic:)
akell ka dhe njerez qe jane "dhi" e dun me nejt me verte vetem nuk und ta perjashtojme fare si fakt:)
flm per foton moj shoqe.mua me pelqen per faktin se ai stoli esh i vetmuar mes tere atyre pemeve e shtepive , pra i vetmu ne mes te kallaballikut.
me pelqeu fotoja, si gjithmone. :)
tani,vetmija....po e perseris dhe une.Eshte vetem zgjedhje dhe si e tille vetem e pranueshme dhe e pa komentueshme.
Sa per fotografine...
I just died in it!!!!
flm perhere shume i dashur:)
Vetmia/jeta e vetmuar eshte nje gjendje e perkoheshme, Eni. Te pakten ky eshte konkluzioni qe kam nxjerrur nga eksperiencat personale dhe te atyre qe kishin zgjedhur nje jete te vetem.
Aprovimi social eshte nje pjate eres te se ciles s'mund t'i qendroje larg askush per gjate.
une mendoj se eshte e perkohshme dhe e herepashershme;)
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