Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Oaxaca Estenopeica pinhole exhibition

check out my work btw 07.48 - 08.00 `

I was part of the virtual  international exhibition organized by  Oaxaca Estenopeica in Mexico. 

this is how they describe the project :
We want to thank all the people who they trusted in the project of the virtual exhibition and they allowed us project in Oaxaca a world estenopeico without borders.

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check out my work on page 74-75 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Hunter is the night (just got the book:)

So happy to receive a copy of the book Hunter is the night from the author  of Kozi Nasi . The cover photo belongs to me :)

and here`s the original photo :)

Monday, March 09, 2015

check out my refreshed website

the design of my website was changed. hope you`ll enjoy :)


Sunday, February 15, 2015


about Cyanotype process


First time i tried cyanotype process was back in 2009 during my stay in Denmark.I super loved it.
It`s a very interesting process and you can get very different and interesting results by toning it with several materials such as coffee,tea etc (some of the pics in my project are toned with tea and coffee) or hand coloring it using watercolors, plant or veggie juice , oil colors etc. like in this project of mine.

check out whole project on my Behance portfolio

Monday, February 09, 2015

About Me

My photo
Albanian digital and analogue photographer with a huge love for alternative printing process and all other avantgarde mixed media techniques. All of the work in this blog (photos,writings) except the ones whose source is shown , belong to the blog author.Do not take them without permission.This work is under protection!

book covers from my photos

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Read the Printed Word!

travel brain

Travel Map
I've been to 121 cities in 17 countries
Eni is an explorer that:
does their own thing
is happy with a roof and running water
flirts with danger
Travel cred: great
I rank in the top...
0.1% most cities visited - Albania
0.2% most cities visited - Kosovo
0.4% most cities visited - Denmark

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