(c) Eni Turkeshi Photography
Anthotype is an old alternative printing technique from the 19th century.This process was originally invented by Sir John Herschel in 1842. An emulsion is made from crushed flower petals or any other light-sensitive plant, fruit or vegetable. A coated sheet of paper is then dried, exposed to direct full sun-light until the image is bleached out.
read more about them here
I decided to make a photogram of 2 leaves , since i didn`t have a positive image and also lacked a contact print frame.
Normally you need a contact printing frame for this but i didn`t have it so i tried sticking the paper with emulsion and leaves to a transparent tape ;)
Of course it`s not the best solution to use transparent tape cause you might tear a lot of the texture apart.But it`s always good to try:)
I used an emulsion profited from geranium petals and some arugula leaves .
Normally i`d never heard of arugula leaves to have been used for such purpose , but i lacked spinach , so i tried these:) It`s always good to try and find out:)
I exposed it only for 9 hours [thanks to the crazy hot Tirana sun:)] , which is really very fast compared to other people having had to wait for weeks and months to get an anthotype:)
i`m looking forward to try more and this time on film:) stay tunned:)