This week we had a project at my school .We were divided into 9 separate groups and each group had a different theme to work with.We were free to choose the type of media , we were going to use for our project. Our group`s theme was `Evening`.We decided to make a stop motion out of it.
And down you might read more info on the project:
A house..A beautiful but quite creepy table.A romantic dinner.A noble , kind man ...Everything looks quite perfect.But where is the woman?Everything can happen in here because it`s evening , the hour of the darkness...
music copyright : Yonderboi (all we go to hell) made by : Bettina Gál; stop motion video maker, photography , scenography Eni Turkeshi: scenario, scenography,photography,lighting,casting Vsevolod Verbitsky : casting, scenario Istvan Tassi: lighting, scenario Camille Ulisse: lighting Stine Christianssen: lighting Zhao Ting: lighting
technical facts :a total of around 400 pics was taken for this project and 220 of them were done using the `painting with light` technique;)it takes much longer time , but yes man ! we did it ;)
Albanian digital and analogue photographer with a huge love for alternative printing process and all other avantgarde mixed media techniques.
All of the work in this blog (photos,writings) except the ones whose source is shown , belong to the blog author.Do not take them without permission.This work is under protection!