To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. William Blake 1757-1827 p.s : I love Blake's way of perception
When I was a child I used to envy guys , because they could wear ties:) I always said to my mum, why wasn't I born a guy:) When I grew up , I understood how stupid this feeling was:)Laides can wear ties too:)
Well today I'm the birthday kid... Man ; it's not easy to be the birthday kid.Especially when you hate this kind of days:) Here there are some clues to pass this terrific day mildly:
1- Keep saying to yourself that , that's just one day and tomorrow will be over. 2-Keep yourself busy all the time. 3-Have a good party :)
Te humbesh diçka/dike te vyer qe sapo e ke gjetur (megjithse s'eshte e jotja) dhe qe as e ka idene tende, ta gjesh ate perseri rastesisht pas shume kohesh , nderkohe qe serish nuk te perket ty dhe as nuk te kujton , eshte shume e dhimbshme.Sidoqofte nje gezim i pakuptimte te mbush shpirtin , po njekohesisht nje ankth i pafund e vakumizon ate gjate tere kohes. Dhimbja e humbjes dhe ngadhenjimi i gjetjes... Sa afer dhe sa larg qe jane me njera tjetren ... E ç'mund te beje njeriu tjeter veçse te prese ne nje gje te veçante , ne nje rastesi tjeter fatlume?Thone se nje dashuri me shikim te pare e meriton dhe nje shikim tjeter:) Po ashtu mendoj se duhet te ndodhe dhe me rastesite e tilla...:)
Everybody needs to act like Oblomov some times... All of us have our times of indulgence and lazyness:)Yes at list I have :)I think that is important for you to get new energies and to refresh your brain. You just can't be all of the time rushing..I mean what for?To rush doesn't always mean to success:) Here there are 2 perfect nowadays Oblomov photos:)
Miq cila eshte dita e vitit qe urreni me shume apo qe jua shpif me shume? Mua ma shpif me shume 1 Janari,dita e ditlindjes dhe pas saj dhe te dielat mbasdite.Po juve? ARKADAŞLAR SENEDE EN NEFRET ETTİĞİNİZ YADA EN ÇOK SIKILDIĞINIZ GÜN HANGİSİDİR?YAZARSANIZ SEVİNİRİM. BEN EN ÇOK 1.OCAK , DOĞUM GÜNÜM SONRASIKİ GÜNÜ VE PAZAR AKŞAMLARDAN SIKILIYORUM...YA SİZ?
Albanian digital and analogue photographer with a huge love for alternative printing process and all other avantgarde mixed media techniques.
All of the work in this blog (photos,writings) except the ones whose source is shown , belong to the blog author.Do not take them without permission.This work is under protection!