Diten e shtune ne daten 16 janar 2010 ne oren 18.00 Shkolla Shqiptare e Fotografise (ose ndryshe Projekt 5.6 ) hapi FotoBarin e rradhes, i cili i kushtohet fotografive, qe miqte e Projekt 5.6 kane shkrepur ne diten e nderrimit te viteve. Po kjo mbremje i kushtohet edhe solidaritetit te miqve te fotografise per popullsine e Shkodres: shume prej tyre kane derguar fotografi, te cilat do stampohen e do te shiten ate mbremje 500 leke copa. Shuma e mbledhur do te dorezohet ne nje nga numrat e llogarise te hapura per kete qellim ! Ekspozita eshte ende e hapur, doja dhe une te lajmeroja nepermjet blogut tim. Une dergova kete foto per kete aktivitet.
Adresa: Qendra kulturore Lindart Rruga Kajo Karafili, No 54, Tirane Tel: 2257475, 0692190505
Per vendndodhjen, vizitoni: http://www.projekt56.com/web_all/contact.html
In english;
We invite the photographers' community to donate a photography and we will try to organize an exhibition to help the Shkodra citizens.
The idea is creating a mini-exhibition aiming to sell these photos which can cover any subject. The photos can be stock photos, portraits, landscapes and even photos from the floods' days.
Sent your photos at info@projekt56.com , subject of the e-mail NDIHMA PER SHKODREN.
We are trying to put together 50 that sell to organize an interesting exhibition that will help the damaged families.
Albanian digital and analogue photographer with a huge love for alternative printing process and all other avantgarde mixed media techniques.
All of the work in this blog (photos,writings) except the ones whose source is shown , belong to the blog author.Do not take them without permission.This work is under protection!